Why Murda Beatz Suddenly Disappeared
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5 years ago Murda Beatz was one of the hottest producers in rap. Landing countless platinum hits with superstar rappers such as Drake, Migos, Nicki Minaj, and Travis Scott to name a few… Murda Beatz got so popular that he even signed to Interscope then launched his own record label. In this video we see exactly what happened to Murda Beatz.
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DRAKEdrake type beatMIGOSmigos type beatMurdamurda beatsMURDA BEATZmurda beatz cook upmurda beatz drakemurda beatz instrumentalmurda beatz interviewmurda beatz livemurda beatz making a beatmurda beatz migosmurda beatz nice for whatmurda beatz songsmurda beatz tagmurda beatz type beatmurda on the beatmurda on the beat so it's not niceMurdermurder beatsmurder on the beat so it's not niceproducertype beatwhat happened to murda beatz