Why Do Canadians Go Ballistic During War
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Ahh, Canadians. We all know the stereotype: nice, friendly and extremely apologetic.If you’re fighting them though, avoid them at all costs because for some strange reason these usually calm maple-leaf lovers go absolutely ballistic when there’s a war on.
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TimestampsIntro: (00:00)Trench Raids: (00:25)Killing Prisoners Of War: (01:55)Live and Let Die: (03:35)Juno Beach: (05:50)The Devil’s Brigade: (07:17)Outro: (09:54)
Credit:Simple History Creator: Daniel Turner (B.A. (Hons) in History, University College London)Video Directors: Anthony Barrett, Denis BlinovScript: Jake Leigh-HowarthScript Review: Denis BlinovNarrator: Chris Kane (https://vocalforge.com)Artists: ShyShelly, Arya Ahumada LydismaAnimators: Kuldip Bheda, Krunal, Mani Kumar, BharghaviEditor: Alec UrbanySenior Production Manager: Umar IjazSimple History Channel Manager: James Dowse