Who killed 67 Crip Gang Lieutenant? : Cold Case updated
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www.buymeacoffee.com/CraftyOneWho was Jean Raymond Claude? What was his link to this city’s tri-alliance of gangsters(Bikers, Montreal mafia and Street Gangs): hint: Joseph Ducarme and the H.A robbery that was mentioned in our previous video. Also update on Casmer Ouimet(81).
———————————————————————— *Please do your own research. The works are NOT intended to be a 100% accurate or historical as certain liberties were taken for artistic reasons in the story-telling episodes. However, all the information discussed in the translations are taken directly from francophone news reports; as such, no new or ”secret” information is being revealed(information is already public). Lastly, the translated material is also subject to the author’s interpretations and opinions which could prove to be incorrect. It is not intended to be hurtful towards any person or groups. Like every citizen, the author reserves the right to have an opinion on news events(positive or negative).