Toronto , Canada CCTV Shootings Footage Compilation

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Toronto , Canada CCTV Shootings Footage Compilation
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Toronto , CanadaCCTV Footage compilation of shootings and homicides
In addition to causing injury and death, gun violence is traumatizing and negatively impacts the mental health of residents, particularly those in communities with high rates of violence.
Gun violence involves youth more than any other demographic group. Youth violence has changed over recent years and has become more complex. An array of factors contribute to youth violence, most of which are rooted in systemic racism and poverty. They include:
Involvement of increasingly younger youth in gun violence.Increased rates of complex youth mental health challenges and lack of culturally appropriate services.Increased drug use and heightened toxicity of drugs.Increased social media presence is promoting gang culture, which is contributing to retaliatory responses to violence and victimization.Lack of programs available to support youth to reintegrate following incarceration or exiting gang life.Changes in gang structure have impacted gang leadership and decision-making.Increased sophistication in the caliber of weapons available.Limited coordination of culturally-relevant social supports and inadequate investment in resident engagement in social housing communities.Lack of emergency housing transfers for families impacted by violence.Difficulty engaging young people who have been failed by systems including education and employment.
Regent Park: The latest gun violence has brought uncomfortable déjà vu to neighbourhoods like Regent Park, which has seen a decade of revitalization and social-housing initiatives to repair its reputation for poverty and crime. Regent Park was where rapper Smoke Dawg, one of this summer’s shooting victims, grew up. Sureya Ibrahim, founder of the support group Regent Park Mothers for Peace, told The Globe that an ongoing cycle of violence has left those in the neighbourhood reeling from trauma. “Communities are getting overwhelmed by this,” Ms. Ibrahim said. “This needs to stop.”
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