The Bacon Brothers: Largest Turf War In Modern BC History
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he Bacon Brothers were leading the notorious Red Scorpion Gang in Vancouver, BC, and went through a massive turf war with the UN Gang (United Nations), as well as the Gurmit – Dhak Group. They aligned with the Hells Angels and Independent Soldiers, creating the Wolf Pack Alliance.
Background Music:
abbotsfordBacon Brothersbc gangsbritish columbiaBritish Columbia gangcanada gangcanadian crimeDhak - Duhre groupDhak DuhreGurmit Dhakhells angelshood chronicleshood6ixhoodtv416Independent SoldiersinterviewJamie BaconJarrod BaconJonathan Baconkelownamindsoul6ixRed Scorpion GangRed ScorpionsSandip Duhresavages from the 6ixsurreySurrey Sixtoronto gangsUn GangUnited Nationsvancouvervancouver gangwolf pack alliance