iPhone Thief Explains How He Breaks Into Your Phone | WSJ
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iPhone Thief Explains How He Breaks Into Your Phone | WSJ
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Thieves are stealing Apple iPhones, passcodes and thousands of dollars from their victims’ bank accounts.
WSJ’s Joanna Stern sat down with a convicted thief in a high-security prison to find how—and how you can protect yourself.
Chapters:0:00 Vulnerability in Apple’s software1:28 Getting the phone and passcode3:33 Getting into Apple account4:33 Getting into the money5:55 Selling the phones7:21 Protecting yourself8:40 The future of iPhone theft
Tech Things With Joanna SternEverything is now a tech thing. In creative and humorous videos, WSJ senior personal tech columnist Joanna Stern explains and reviews the products, services and trends that are changing our world.
#Apple #iPhone #WSJ
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