Infiltrating Vito Rizzuto’s Mafia clan; Inside Project Colisée | Lutte contre le clan Rizzuto
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Inside the largest police probe against the Mafia in Canada, Project Colisée was an immense three-year investigation into the Rizzuto clan, the long-time head of the powerful Mafia in Montreal.The investigation finally pierced through to the core, the inner sanctum of the Sicilian Mafia in the city, which was the most powerful and successful criminal organization Canada has known.** JOIN ME ON PATREON: placed wiretaps and cameras in their key meeting spots, including the Club Social Consenza, the senior Rizzuto leadership’s café where they met in the back room to divide cash between them.After sweeping raids, police arrested six key leaders, including: Nicolo Rizzuto, Vito’s father and the family’s patriarch; Paolo Renda, Vito’s brother-in-law and his consigliore; Rocco Sollecito, a senior and long-time member; and Francesco Arcadi, who was the street boss. Also arrested were the heads of their street crews who backed up Vito’s words with muscle: Francesco Del Balso and Lorenzo Giordano.Arrests and raids were made on Nov. 22, 2006. The six leaders accepted guilty pleas in Sept. 2008.It was the beginning of the end for the Rizzuto clan’s stranglehold on the mob.This video is a detailed briefing on Projet Colisée by the RCMP presented at the Charbonneau commission, prepared in 2012 and presented by Corp. Vinicio Sebastiano at the CEIC hearings. It makes great viewing and reading. It is in French, so apologies to my anglo viewers, but it doesn’t take much effort to follow along. And the pictures are good in every language.Lutte contre le clan Rizzuto.EN FRANÇAIS:Dans le cadre de la plus grande enquête policière contre la mafia au Canada, Project Colisée était une immense enquête de trois ans sur le clan Rizzuto, le chef de longue date de la puissante mafia de Montréal.L’enquête a finalement percé jusqu’au cœur, le sanctuaire intérieur de la mafia sicilienne dans la ville, qui était l’organisation criminelle la plus puissante et la plus prospère que le Canada ait connue.Les enquêteurs ont placé des écoutes téléphoniques et des caméras dans leurs principaux lieux de réunion, y compris le Club Social Consenza, le café de la haute direction de Rizzuto où ils se sont rencontrés dans l’arrière-salle pour se partager de l’argent.For more information, please read by book on the Rizzutos and their downfall, called The Sixth Family: The Collapse of the American Mafia and the Rise of Vito Rizzuto, written with Lee Lamothe and published by HarperCollins.The music here is “5:54 AM (Dawn)” by Ross Bugden. This track is licensed under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License’. You can find the link to that license here: and the track here: read my exposés in the National Post, visit: always, please like, share, comment and subscribe.Thanks for watching!– The Mob Reporter-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: “Genius Big-Money NYC Racetrack Heist Ruined by STUPID Mistake”