Hasbulla Magomedov vs. Abdurozik | Versus | Who Will Win The Fight?
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Hasbulla Magomedov vs. Abdurozik | Versus | Who Will Win The Fight?SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMccruddenmichael?sub_confirmation=1Get 15% off our MERCH at https://permanentvacationbrand.com/ Using The Promo Code ‘FAMOUS’
They’ve dominated your social media timelines and have absolutely gone viral around the world with their pre-fight show and their videos being shared over million times across all platforms. Now the boys have the most hyped fight of the year getting more online social media attention than the likes of Logan Paul & Floyd Money Mayweather. Some are calling the match up unethical including The Russian Athletic Association for dwarfs – which I’m shocked to hear is even a thing. Others see it as nothing more than some innocent entertainment. When I say others well I’m citing a whopping 11 Million views and counting who tuned into the unofficial press conference. Online betting sites went wild over their first head-to-head competition which was a good old-fashioned push-up competition. For those just finding out about this story, both Hasbullah and Rozik are the victims of a growth disorder which is a variation of dwarfism that has resulted in them appearing childish despite both being believed to be around the age of 18 years old.
Hasbulla Magomedov / Hasbik | Before They Were Famous: https://youtu.be/zRFntWUd6EIAbdurozik | Before They Were Famous: https://youtu.be/p_z9pUORKMw
#HasbullaMagomedov #Abdurozik #Versus #BeforeTheyWereFamous #MarlonPalmer #ThatDudeMcFly #MichaelMcCrudden
Host Marlon Palmer: https://www.instagram.com/thatdudemcfly/
Special thanks to @tamaeev & @AvlodMedia
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0:00 Intro2:37 Size Difference3:36 Social Media Presence4:50 What They Have Overcome6:45 Last Words